Elle’s Jelly

If you’ve ever worked with me you know that I’m extremely strict (more like extra boujee) in regards to supplements and treats. I work with too many allergy sensitive and immune compromised babes. I don’t want synthetic vitamins and minerals. I won’t use cheap protein resources that aren’t ethically proven by my own standards. And I absolutely won’t add to a dogs sensitivities by allowing a grain treat into our arsenal. They deserve to have treats. They deserve all of the goodies that other dogs get! But designed specifically for their needs!

I will have human grade cricket powder flour soon for my coconut sensitive ones. I know, EWWW! Don’t hate me! For those that can’t do coconut or shellfish (cricket) I’m working on a cauliflower flour cookie for you guys! Novelty protein dehydrated organ jerky treats will also be following so stay tuned!