Like many when I first started this journey, I wholeheartedly jumped down the supplement rabbit hole… Lock stock and barrel with a picnic basket packed with snacks for later! The only difference between what I did and what I see others do, mine were in their most basic dried herb form. And MERCY, did I have a collection of them! If you’ve worked with me you know, my practices have changed. Too often I see a dogs bowl that I affectionately call the “powder bowl” I don’t want us “powdering there shit” out of them, which is why I try to offer more tinctures than powders when I can.

I saw this suggestion a few weeks ago in a non holistic canine group and the woman was bashed over the fact that she suggested spirulina because the uneducated side only knew it as “the green blue algae that can kill an animal”. I came across a few pieces that linked the three in comparison and thought this would be a great topic for you guys. As always no I don’t want us to be on something long term. I want us to be able to take a break. I want us to be able to use something and then put it away. With that being said I’ve used some of these with y’all while detoxing from chemo and I’ve used some of these for a huge detox and immune support when we’ve been nutrient deficient.

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Serotonin, Dopamine and Your Dogs Immune System