The Sea Cucumber, But “Anti-Carcinogenic”?
When Dolce was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of osteosarcoma, I came across the sea cucumber case studies in all of its glory. The issue however was, it was priced at 3000$ a pound. At that time I could barely afford to breathe, much less be able to support our boy with something like this. Fortunately, for you guys we’ve been able to find better resources for it, along with the correct species strain that is financially attainable. Just a few of the key benefits that will pertain to my readers are going to be arthritic support and more to the point apoptosis! With 1200 species of Sea cucumber, trust me the search for the right one can be difficult to find. Most products on the market are a species specifically that targets just pain and arthritic support, the Sea cucumber we require is the Holothuria Leucos which is not only useful as an anti inflammatory but its also been accredited for its use in attacking cancerous cells. While I use this religiously in many of my cancers, one of the main ones I use it for as a heavy hitter is for my osteosarcoma canine and feline clients. Here is just a short list of benefits: