Less is More…

If you didn’t catch my blog regarding “Your Dog's Four Major Requirements in Life”, please do! The fourth major requirement discusses nutrition, along with one of my major pet peeves. We put so much effort into the best nutritional protocols and diets for them, and then somehow we get derailed by adding copious amounts of supplements that we’ve seen highlighted in “this week’s daily email.” How many of you have what we call “a supplement graveyard”? OH OH, ME ME, I DO! Part of me feels like it’s almost a rite of passage when we begin this journey, trying to unlearn our early years of fear-mongering by our old-school traditional DVMs from 20 years ago. Over the years, I’ve narrowed my supplements down to very little (3 or 4), and that’s with a MCT cancer girl of my own. For years, we’ve been told time and time again that we need to be feeding a balanced diet on a daily basis.

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Your Dogs 4 Major Requirements in Life